Psychosynthesis was founded by Roberto
Assagioli (1888 – 1974).
Being a colleague of both Freud and Jung,
Assagioli explained...
In one of his letters Freud said,
"I am interested only in the basement
of the human being."
Psychosynthesis is interested in the whole building. We try to build an elevator, which will allow a person access to every level of his personality. After all, a building with only a basement is very limited.
We want to open up the terrace
where you can sunbathe or look at
the stars.”

Drawing from both the Western psychological
traditions as well as Eastern philosophy and
mysticism Psychosynthesis holds a broad, holistic
context and works towards Self Actualisation.
It is a holistic approach that is able to sink to the
depths to heal deep trauma, whilst being equally
capable of reaching our, too often ignored, higher
capacities that inspire and guide. It is this breadth
of spectrum that sets psychosynthesis apart and
supports whole being health.
Assagioli identified the Will as the force that
propels us towards growth and manifestation.
Through Psychosynthesis therapy, we can release
this energy, which may be trapped in old patterns
and thoughts, therefore, holding us back from
realizing our full potential.

"When your head cannot find the
answers, remember that your
heart may know the way"
My Approach
A C T I V E D I A L O G U E A N D A N A L Y S I S / G U I D E D I M A G E R Y / B O U N D A R Y
E X E R C I S E S / J O U R N A L W R I T I N G / D R E A M W O R K / S O M A T I C W O R K
M E D I T A T I O N A N D M I N D F U L N E S S E X E R C I S E S / C H A K R A W O R K
B R E A T H I N G E X E R C I S E S / A R C H E T Y P E S / P A R T W O R K
( S U B P E R S O N A L I T I E S ) / I N N E R C H I L D
I tailor my approach intuitively to each client.

Psychosynthesis shows us
who and what we truly are.